I don't usually "blog" but I saw this on a blog I stalk and who doesn't like talking about baby names?!
Rylee Renee
When we first found out we were pregnant we only had a girl name picked out. I guess we just knew we would have a girl. It was Baylee(because we loved it) and Renee (because that is my middle name.). Weeks before our big ultrasound we heard that someone in my VERY LARGE family was having a boy and naming him Baley. I was devastated and convinced we would still name our baby if she was a girl, Baylee. While talking on the phone to a cousin she suggested Riley. Brett and I LOVED it and knew we would make it more girly and that's how we got Rylee Renee. I can't imagine her as a Baylee. :)

Jake Ryan
When Rylee was 13 months old I got pregnant with Jake. We struggled with boy names. We still do! I liked Carter... Brett liked Carson. Which is funny because now I really love the name Carson. I liked Jake... Brett liked Jack. We never talked about girl names during this pregnancy other than we would use a gender neutral name since Rylee was. So..... when we went in for our ultrasound and found out that Jake was indeed a boy I was a little worried on how we were going to decide on a name. We were driving home when I overheard Brett tell someone that his name was going to be Jake Ryan. I just love his name I think it sounds like a football player which is exactly what my Jake Ryan thinks he is!

I have a list of other names that I love but I'm pretty sure Brett would probably veto most of them! Plus I'm pretty sure Brett thinks we are done.
Brynlee, Reese, Presley and Delaney
Luke, Carson(I know it grew on me) and Brody. I seriously like a new name everyday!
What are your kids names and what names do you love?